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Event Triggers by Example

Now that we've gotten the theory out of the way, we want to sit down with the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, and the Dormouse and see if we can spin. Let's start with an event trigger that shows the basics.

1. Register accounts

We have mad_hatter@wonderland, dormouse@wonderland, march_hare@wonderland all of which share the fixed-point asset of tea#wonderland. The Mad Hatter has the tea pot, while the rest have a single cup of tea. When alice@wonderland had arrived, she got a nice cup of tea as well.

The way we get them in Rust code looks like this:

let tea = AssetDefinitionId::new("tea", "wonderland")?;
let mad_hatter = AccountId::new("mad_hatter", "wonderland")?;
let dormouse = AccountId::new("dormouse", "wonderland")?;
let march_hare = AccountId::new("march_hare", "wonderland")?;
  MintBox::new(Value::Fixed(100.0_f64.try_into()?), IdBox::AssetId(AssetId::new(tea.clone(), mad_hatter.clone())))
  MintBox::new(Value::Fixed(1.0_f64.try_into()?), IdBox::AssetId(AssetId::new(tea.clone(), march_hare.clone())))
  MintBox::new(Value::Fixed(1.0_f64.try_into()?), IdBox::AssetId(AssetId::new(tea.clone(), dormouse.clone())))
  MintBox::new(Value::Fixed(1.0_f64.try_into()?), IdBox::AssetId(AssetId::new(tea.clone(), alice.clone())))

2. Register a trigger

We want a smart contract that transfers some tea from mad_hatter@wonderland to alice@wonderland when her tea reduces by a single cup.

For that we need to register a trigger. The boilerplate is straightforward:

let id = TriggerId::new(Name::new("refresh_tea"));

let metadata = Metadata::new();

let executable = vec![
      IdBox::AssetId(AssetId::new(tea.clone(), mad_hatter.clone())),
      IdBox::AssetId(AssetId::new(alice.clone(), mad_hatter.clone())),

let repeats = Repeats::Indefinitely;

let technical_account = mad_hatter.clone();

let filter = _ // ...

3. Define an event filter

The event filter is where we need to spend some time and think. So far we've seen the Pipeline variety of filters. This time around, the filter is a Data kind. This type of filter is a tuple with a single variant, which is a FilterOpt of an EntityFilter:

  • FilterOpt stands for Optional Filter. It can either AcceptAll or accept BySome of another Filter.
  • An EntityFilter is a filter that matches ByAccount in our case, but can match by many other means. It wraps an AccountFilter, which matches various events produced on accounts.

What we want to do is create an event filter for when alice@wonderland drinks some of her tea, or, in other words, reduces the tea asset by any amount. To do this with the current API, we need to work bottom up.

An IdFilter is a filter that .matches(event) == true if and only if the identities are exactly the same. Everything that has an Id has a corresponding IdFilter.


An IdFilter is a parametric structure, an IdFilter that works on Peers has the type IdFilter<PeerId> and is not the same type as an IdFilter that works with AccountId; IdFilter<AccountId.

Now if we wanted a filter that will match whenever tea gets reduced, either through a Transfer or a Burn instruction, we need an AssetFilter. It needs to look at what the Id of the asset is, hence IdFilter<AssetDefinitionId> and ByRemoved.

use FilterOpt::{BySome, AcceptAll};

let asset_filter = AssetFilter::new(BySome(IdFilter(tea.clone())), BySome(AssetEventFilter::ByRemoved));

So far so good?

Next, we want a filter that looks for changes in an asset for an account. Specifically:

let account_filter = AccountFilter::new(BySome(IdFilter(alice.clone())), BySome(asset_filter));

Now, because of the way that parity_scale_codec works, we need to wrap this in various boxes.

let filter = EventFilter::Data(BySome(EntityFilter::ByAccount(account_filter)));

4. Create a Trigger instance

After this somewhat laborious filter combination, we can create an Action

let action = Action {
    executable, repeats, technical_account, filter, metadata

Which allows us to create an instance of a Trigger.

let trigger = Trigger::new(id, action);

5. Create a transaction

Finally, in order to get said trigger onto the blockchain, we create a transaction with the following single instruction:


How it works

The technical details of the created transaction are summarised as follows:

  • The (normal) instructions that either got submitted from WASM or directly from the client get executed. If there were any triggers that should have been registered, they get registered.
  • Using the total set of events that got generated during the execution of instructions, the triggers (including some that got registered just this round) get executed.
  • The events produced in the previous step get scheduled for execution in the next block.


The reason why the events caused by the execution of triggers get processed in the next block is that we don't want two triggers to inadvertently cause an infinite loop of instruction execution and break consensus.

Now each time Alice drinks some tea, the Mad Hatter pours in a whole new cup. The keen eyed among you will have noticed that the amount that Alice drinks is irrelevant to how much tea will be transferred. Alice may take a tiny sip and still be poured a whole new cup's worth.


We intend to address this issue in the future so that an emitted event also has an attached Value. We also intend to provide more event filter types. For example, we will have filters that match when the asset:

  • Decreases by any amount (current behaviour)
  • Decreases by more than (or exactly) the specific amount in one instruction
  • Decreases to below a certain threshold

Only the first type of event filter is implemented now, and the other two can be emulated using a WASM smart contract as the Executable.

Why not WASM

The above observation can be generalised. WASM can do any logic that a Turing complete machine could, using the data available via queries. So in theory for event-based triggers, you could create an AcceptAll event filter and do all of the processing using the key-value store as persistent storage, and then, determining if you want to execute using easy-to-understand Rust code, and not our admittedly cumbersome, EventFilters.

We don't want that. WASM takes up significantly more space, and takes longer to execute compared to plain ISI, which are slower than EventFilters. We want you to want to use the EventFilters because they would make the process much more efficient, and we are working tirelessly to make the experience of using event filters much less gruelling.

However, as was mentioned previously on several occasions, implementing a feature properly takes time and effort. Ergonomics must be balanced against safety and reliability, so we cannot just make things easier to use. We want them to retain many of the advantages of strong typing.

This is all a work in progress. Our code is in flux. We need time to play around with a particular implementation to optimise it.